#TheMarketsTrustIsrael: Last Week saw about $100 Million Investment in Israeli Start-ups

The week from 28.2. to 5.3.'23 'VonNaftali' got investment announcements from Israeli start-ups in the sum of about $100. The hysteria about "disinvestment" because of the judicial reform is fake news, not based on any real facts. On the opposite, 'FitchRatings' confirmed the bright rating of Israel (+A) and state a stable outlook. High-tech companies … Continue reading #TheMarketsTrustIsrael: Last Week saw about $100 Million Investment in Israeli Start-ups

#TheMarketsTrustBibi: New Investment Fund for Israeli DeepSpace Start-ups

(c) Earth & Beyond Ventures. Screemshot Website.

A new fund which plans to leverage Israel’s expertise in deep-tech, aerospace, and satellite engineering in the growing global “New Space” market. That's huge and a clear signal #TheMarketsTrustBibi. Besides that earthly argument, the future of mankind and the free market is in the conquer of space. And it is a big vision and great … Continue reading #TheMarketsTrustBibi: New Investment Fund for Israeli DeepSpace Start-ups

Abraham Accords: Best Micro Finance Bank in the Middle East

So-called microfinance banks are not small banks, but banks that specialize in micro-enterprises and small start-ups. These are mostly 1-person companies, which are the backbone of many national economies. Microfinance banks are crucial to economies. Small and Medium enterprises (SME) characterise around 94 percent of the current operating companies across the UAE, capably securing jobs … Continue reading Abraham Accords: Best Micro Finance Bank in the Middle East

Blitzumfrage zu 5G: Start-ups glauben nicht an Ausbaupläne der Bundesregierung

Eine vom Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V. und der Internet Economy Foundation (IE.F) durchgeführte Blitzumfrage unter deutschen Startups zeigt, dass die schnelle und flächendeckende Einführung der 5G-Mobilfunktechnologie ein entscheidendes Zukunftsthema für junge Wachstumsunternehmen in Deutschland ist. Die große Mehrheit der Gründerinnen und Gründer glaubt außerdem nicht, dass es der Bundesregierung gelingt, Deutschland wie versprochen zum „Leitmarkt … Continue reading Blitzumfrage zu 5G: Start-ups glauben nicht an Ausbaupläne der Bundesregierung