Selection of Pro-Israel Memes and Pics

My personal choice of the best and most awesome and important pro-Israel memes and pics. If you miss one, just mail it to (as jpg, give the credit, as far as you know it):

I give according to my best knowledge credit, but most pics are generated by unknown respectively the creator made no indication. All pics are taken from various social media. If you think, you have to be mentioned, please give me a note. I will immediately add the credit. The featured head image is credited to Hillel Fuld. For the pics that are 100% free, I added the note “free”.




It seems to be very likely that X will ban me (X-handle: @naftalihirschl ) completely and delete my account. Why? If you are against terrorism and pro-Israel you get quickly shadwo-banned and locked by X. Elon Musk seems not to care about it. X turns step by step to an antisemitic platform. I gave a lot of evidence on my X timeline. Step by step I will secure all the evidence and republish all the evidence here.

To stay in contact and hold up our networks for the sake of Israel I ask you to register (of course NO COSTS) for the free e-mail notification on new articles published on my blog ‘VonNaftali’.

I will (re-)publish all the important posts on this blog because X cannot be regarded anymore as a safe platform for free speech. If you defend democracy against the barbaric terrorism of Hamas& Co, you get quickly banned or locked on X.


Some background to this blog: In former times the blog ‘VonNaftali’ was a bilingual daily on business and innovations from Israel. Of course, your comments, articles, etc are welcome, and love to publish them. Also, if you got locked out; send me a note so that I can publish it. Just send them to:

If you came that long way finally learn more about our non-profit project Database about the Enemies of Israel“.